Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Scientists win right to create human embryo with three genetic parents

Anyone seen a slippery slope lately? First it was test tube babies, then artificial insemination, and surrogate mothers. Now on our inevitable downward spiral towards cloning we have this:
Scientists win right to create human embryo with three genetic parents
Anyone who decried the various new ways to make human beings have been called overly righteous religious nuts. We have ended up with over 6 billion people on Earth making babies the old fashioned way. Do we really need to make up new ways to create life? I feel really bad for infertile couples hoping to conceive but I don't think we need to make humans in a science lab.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially not out of three "parents."


11:37 PM

Blogger St Wendeler said...

I'm not one for slippery-slope arguments, but does anyone really think that this is too far removed from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and the establishment of Alphas, Betas, Deltas, and Gammas?

Given the disdain for individual liberty from the statist left (and some elements of the right) and the eager anticipation for such a future by some, I for one will be heading directly to the Reservation. (Although, I might want to take a case of soma along with me...)

St Wendeler
Another Rovian Conspiracy

10:10 AM


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