Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Unemployment stats

We're constantly barraged with media claims about how bad the economy is as well as the liberal bs about tax cuts for the rich hurting those at the bottom. However, they never explain how if things are so bad why is unemployment so low. Here is an article with some info that may surprise people about black unemployment.
Currently, black unemployment is 9.4%, which is significantly lower than the 10% it averaged in the Clinton years. The current rate is also much lower than the average black unemployment rate over the past 30 years, which is 12.4%.

Some on the left have complained that even if the black unemployment rate is dropping, there is still too great a gap between the unemployment rate for blacks and for whites.

If this complaint were sincere, those who made it should be pleased to learn the gap between black and white unemployment, which stands today at 4.9 points, is smaller than the 5.5-point average gap of the Clinton years and the 6.9-point average gap of the past 30 years.


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