Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Mark Stein on confirming Bolton

I know reasonable people who have bought into the Democrat/media smears of John Bolton and now accept as fact that Mr. Bolton is just not diplomatic enough to serve as our Ambassador to the United Nations. Well, Mark Stein weighs in and explains much better than I could why Bolton's firmness is just what the U.N. needs. Here's a sample:

The rap against John Bolton is that he gets annoyed with do-nothing bureaucrats. If that's enough to disqualify you from government service, then 70 percent of citizens who've visited the DMV . . . are ineligible. Sinking Bolton means handing a huge psychological victory to a U.N. bureaucracy eager for any distraction from its own mess. The Democrats' interest in derailing Bush foreign policy is crude but understandable. But why would even the wimpiest Republican ''moderate'' want to help them out?

Read the rest.

H/T to Betsy's Page for the link.


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