Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Monday, May 16, 2005

More on the fight for the judiciary

John Hawkins of Right Wing News analizes the Democrats strategy in their filibustering of judicial nominees.

While there has been an enormous amount of discussion about the nuclear option and judicial filibusters, one thing that hasn't been discussed is the poor political strategy of the Democrats throughout this whole fight.

This hasn't come into clear focus yet. But, given that Frist is going to get the process started this week, you can bet that he's sure that he has the votes he needs to make it happen. So when the dust clears, what are the Democrats going to have gained for their filibusters?


Read the rest.

Today's Wall Street Journal lead editorial.

Bob Novak has a column about the opposition research efforts looking at financial disclosures of potential Supreme Court nominees.


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