Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Friday, December 02, 2005

How aggressive should we be in fighting election fraud?

Certain areas of our country have long had a reputation for allowing election fraud with a wink and a nod. There is the famous quote from Joe Kennedy (JFK's dad) about the closeness of the 1960 election saying "I'm not paying for a landslide." I'm basically a law and order kind of guy but I don't want the good guys to screw with real elections in order to root out the corruption. In West Virginia the FBI ran a sting using a politician who was caught taking a bribe earlier. Basically, they had this guy pretend to run for office and then arrested the crooks he paid to deliver votes. Problem with this method is that there were real candidates running for that office. How many of the people who voted for the sham candidate would have voted for the second place finisher? You don't know? Neither do I and that's the problem.

I don't like the manner in which this case was developed, but if it scares Dems in Chicago, Detroit, Wisconsin, etc, into playing straight I may have to accept the ends justifying the means. However, I'm not naive enough to think this case will have that kind of effect.


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