Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

True Bi-partisanship

One of reasons I started blogging was to identify the hypocrisy of the extreme left wing media. A recent example is how complicit the media has been in selling the Democrat's talking point about a "Republican culture of corruption." In this area, I'm not rushing to the defense of corrupt Republicans like the recently convicted Randy Cunningham of California. Rather, I'm more concerned with people getting an honest picture of how corruption by our government officials is not limited to one political party. Michelle Malkin has a link to a website that details the rest of the story - the fact that corruption is the only area of true bi-partisanship left. NoAgenda is a website which actually details all the Democrat corruption, ethics violations, shady deals and more. In other words, NoAgenda provides the news you won't see trumpeted by the MSM.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent links.

9:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a resource I just blogrolled.

10:48 AM

Blogger BEEBEE said...

This is what happens when a Republic form of government that our Constitution created was hijacked and our United States mutated into a Democracy. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said "a democracy is like two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch."

When lobbyist are able to sway Congressman for votes on legislation to go one way or the other the opportunity is there for corruption. The majority of our elected officials are bought and paid for by large PACs, and then these PACs place bets on both candidates in many cases to cover both sides of the bet.

Unless, the 85% of the people that do not pay attention to politics wake up and pay attention, nothing will change. This group of people votes on election day, and then waits for the next election to vote for who the media tells them to vote for! Easy pickens for the corrupt politicians, would you not agree?

8:54 PM


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