Another cog in the wheel known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to combat the Extreme Left-Wing Media.

Monday, December 12, 2005

State sanctioned murder for hire?

One of the many acts cited in the case tying Saddam Hussein to terrorism was his payments to suicide bomber's families. Now we hear that Mahmoud Abbas, Head of the Palestinian Authority has authorized a monthly payment to surviving family members of shahids (their term for martyrs). How is this any different than murder for hire?
Under the new law, the terrorist’s family will be paid a base sum of $250 per month. The law takes into account extended family arrangements commonplace in Arab societies. The families of married terrorists are entitled to an additional $50 per month, and $15 are added for each child, $25 for each parent, and $15 for each brother who lived with the terrorist prior to his death.

The monies, to be paid out of the general budget of the Palestinian Authority, are significant sums for average Arab families living in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.
Where do they get the money to pay for these murders? Oh, that right from us.
The budget of the Palestinian Authority is largely subsidized by grants from European nations and the United States.
But we don't need to worry because Abbas says he is committed to the peace process. Yeah right, just like Arafat was.


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