Thursday's links and comments
This is amazing.
A seven-year-old girl narrowly escaped death when a powerful lightning bolt struck her bedroom, burning her pyjamas as she lay in bed. Little Emily Holland was asleep when a shaft of lightning blew a hole in her bedroom ceiling, sending part of her nightclothes up in smoke.

This is funny. I guess you shouldn't take bribes from people entering bankruptcy court.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother Anthony D. Rodham has been barred from accessing his bank account while a bankruptcy trustee demands that he repay more than $100,000 in loans from a carnival company whose founder was pardoned by President Clinton, filings in federal bankruptcy court in Alexandria show.
Mr. Rodham, one of Mrs. Clinton's two brothers, received $107,000 in loans from United Shows of America Inc. after its owners obtained the presidential pardon over the objections of the Justice Department.
This is sad. Browns center Bentley hurts knee first day of camp. I saw that headline ten minutes after reading this article discussing how critical Bentley's presence was in upgrading the offensive line.
If true, this is a shame. Tour de France winner failed drug test in race.
This is stupid. Cincinnati should ban handguns. Besides completely ignoring the 2nd Amendment, the writer of this editorial gets most of his arguments wrong. Areas with strict gun control end up with much more confident criminals as they can be certain that good citizens won't be armed.
This is odd.
Norm Coleman Sr., the father of Minnesota's junior senator, was cited for lewd and disorderly conduct Tuesday after police officers reported finding him engaged in a sex act in a car near a pizzeria.I would assume an 81 year old would be able to afford to rent a room. Or was it a case of too much urgency?
Bill, Sometimes you just can't wait.
3:27 PM
Your comment was rather timely as our new puppy just failed to wait about 10 minutes ago.
4:09 PM
Tough break for the Browns and a guy who really wanted to play for Cleveland. I know he will still be a millionaire, but to get hurt on the first day of practice....
9:59 PM
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