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Sunday, February 26, 2006

When a president visits

It is a big deal to a country when a foreign leader visits. Even more so when the leader is a United States president. Presidents have not done a lot of foreign travel for two reasons - the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Wednesday, President Bush will arrive in New Delhi, India for a visit. Here are a couple articles from Indian newspapers ahead of his visit. It's interesting to see how he is presented to foreign audiences.

President Bush sat down for an interview with a reporter from the India Times.
At the best of times, meeting the most powerful man on the planet can be intimidating. But when he walks into the Roosevelt Room of the White House quite unexpectedly a few minutes ahead of the scheduled interview time holding in his hands a book you have written, and quips, "I've been reading a good book lately!" the most composed journalist can be knocked galley west.

Will the real George W Bush stand up? is an Indian look at security measures ahead of the visit.


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