Friday's various links and comments
I'm not a big believer in coincidences, so I have to assume this is connected to the trial.
Hussein judge brother-in-law shot deadI know the Iraqi's are using this trial to demostrate that justice will be handled differently than under Hussein, but this should have been finished within months of his capture. It could be argued that Iraq would be better off today if they used the Mussolini method.
With reprobates like this guy the Republicans are going to have a hard time holding onto their majority in Congress.
Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., submitted a letter of resignation from Congress on Friday in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former male page, according to a congressional official.What is wrong with people like Foley? More importantly is why wasn't this creep dealt with sooner? According to this post from Betsy's Page, reporters from the St. Petersburg Times have been aware of these crimes for almost a year.
Jay Nordlinger's latest Impromptus column is worth reading.
Invester Business Daily has a column titled "97 Reasons Democrats Are Weak On Defense And Can't Be Trusted To Govern In Wartime" which should be read by all voters before entering the voting booth.
Continuing to redefine crazy and making us all glad he lost some election in 2000, Al Gore now is saying that cigarette smoking causes global warming. He has now blamed everything but the sun.
This is wrong in many ways.
Coach accused of having sex with studentBesides the fact that he should never have gotten near a minor, if you are a coach and your name is Paul Brown you have an added responsibility not to tarnish the name of that great man.
Paul J. Brown, 23, faces up to five years in prison; alleged incident occurred at his home with a girl, 13